This web page is from the official Seminole Tribe of Florida. They have this website so that average people can learn about how they stood up and fought and also changed their ways so that they wouldn't have to be destroyed. Although most did move out to the western reserves, the few that remained are the true survivors of the Seminole Wars.
This page shows us how the remaining Seminole Indians survived in the swamps of southern Florida for decades until the government that had tried to exterminate them was now assisting them. Many were not trusting at first because the Seminoles had seen their fare share of trickery during their war with the US, but as time went on they slowly moved onto the 80,000 acre plot set aside for them. Although they no longer have to subsistence farm to survive, had it had not have been for that they wouldn't still be walking in our midst.
V mla citation V "Survival In the Swamp". Seminole Tribe of Florida. 4/8/10 .
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